Monday, October 10, 2011

Peru Panorama

After Egypt, what next? It seemed that both Peter and I had a desire to see Machu Pichu at sunrise. That of course meant a trip to Peru and hiking the Inca Trail to get to the classic view point in the early morning. Was I up for this kind of adventure? Sounded pretty strenuous to me. After some research into different tour companies and talking to friends, we chose Gap Adventures Peru Panorama. All the literature said that the hike is managable to anyone who is reasonably fit. The only major concern is the altitude. So in March 2011, we made out bookings and bought hiking shoes. Before we left, we made sure our shots were up to date and we had all the possible medical needs (for malaria, altitude and travel sickness). Oh yes, and we did some casual training, trying to improve our fitness particularly on uphills. And we decide, after experimenting, that hiking poles were a good investment.

Usually I start a blog before we leave on the trip and add to it along the way. We have been home now for over a week and I haven't got started yet. While we were travelling, I could barely keep up with my notebook, let alone sit at the computer and compile insightful and witty comments about our experiences. Many times I felt rushed and very "scheduled", the rest of the time I was exhausted - and busy enjoying the unfolding adventure. All in all, the trip was a truly memorable experience - something to be remembered and savoured over time. I can't say I loved every moment (there were times when I was cursing under by breath and wondering whose crazy idea this was anyway) - but in the end, I loved the accomplishment and now that I have had time to think about it and review the photos, I can appreciate it even more. While we were on the trail, I was mostly concerned about survival - putting one foot ahead of the other, breathing in enough of the thin air, and trying not to get left behind. But in retrospect, the challenge was invigorating and I made it to the top, more or less in one piece. It goes without saying, that Peter, even when he wasn't feeling well, conquered the hike, at good speed, mostly up with the front runners of our trekking group. Of course, there was a lot more to the trip than the hike. Itinerary was - Lima, Juliaca for Puno, Lake Titicaca, Cusco, Ollantaytambo, Inca Trail to Machu Pichu, Aguas Calientes, Cusco, Puerto Maldanado, Tambopata Lodge in the Amazon basin and back to Lima.
We left Toronto for Lima on September 16. Lucky for us, there is direct Air Canada flight direct from Toronto to Lima every couple of days.

The adventure begins.

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