Something I learned a long time ago; you had better like the clothes you're travelling in, because you don't know how long you might be wearing them. So, with our luggage still in limbo, there is no point in being upset that we don't have a change of clothes today. Our carry-on backpacks have all the essentials to get along with.
Adapting quickly to the Zagreb style of people-watching coffee-culture, we have a relaxed start to the day. Breakfast in a cafe is only a very vague notion. Most locals eat something at home and then wander to a cafe for their coffee and social interaction. But home-made chocolate cake, freshly baked and still warm, fills the gap nicely along with cappuccino.
Stairs lead the way through sturdy stone walls, up the hill to Kaptol where the Cathedral dominates the landscape. This is another one of the old towns that could take days to explore.
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Continuing on our way, we find a street lined with artists stalls which leads us to the Dolac market. The market is a riot of colour and is captivating with its sights and smells and interesting characters. At a lower level, the meat market is tucked beneath the open air market which sells mostly fruit, vegetables and flowers. Clearly this is were the locals shop and there are plenty of customers.
Dolac Market |
For lunch we choose some sandwiches from a local vendor and take them to the closest cafe/bar where we order the tasty local beer and sit in comfort to watch the market scene. The vendors are packing up now and we are amazed at the huge loads that they carry, men and women alike. And for some, when is time to go, they simply drag their boxes of produce behind them.
We have no particular destination for the rest of the day except to wander and enjoy this friendly city and at some point we have to find the ice cream store that Doroteja has strongly recommended to us.
Funicular to the Lower Town |
From the heights of the Old Town, there are good views of the Lower Town which is more open and contemporary with multiple tram routes crossing the town. Stately museum buildings are set in parks that form a horse shoe of green space, offering places to relax and smell the roses - or geraniums or whatever. Squares and side walk cafe/bars abound.
Our luggage is waiting for us when we get back to the apartment. Yay! And yet I wonder, what do we need with all this STUFF?
Time to say good bye to our new friend Doroteya. She has been a wonderful host. We'll stay in touch on FaceBook.
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